Now Sourcing Mortgages for Private Investors

Carib Capital Ltd is now sourcing mortgage loans for private investors looking for better returns on their offshore investments. Working with and your lawyer, we will find borrowers and properties that suite your risk tolerance and return requirements. There are a tremendous amount of good borrowers looking for financing in the Caribbean, however not a lot of lenders in the market. By becoming ‘the bank’, you can realize returns of 7% or more, secured by solid investment properties in secure markets throughout the Caribbean; and we take no part of the return, just a small upfront finders fee.

The past few years have been difficult for investors; low rates, a shaky stock market and a housing market that didn’t look much steadier. Now with housing prices climbing in most Caribbean destinations, the housing market back on steady ground, interest rates still very low and the banks not lending, we have the perfect storm. There are good borrowers, with good properties But no ability to borrow. This means better returns for you, while taking less risk to achieve it.