The Caribbean Market in 2016

The real estate market has been very strong in many parts of the Caribbean so far in 2016. After many years of down markets, 2016 continues to a see a big bounce back which started in 2014 as high end destinations started drawing back record numbers of visitors. Although the numbers were good for tourists, this didn’t necessarily equate to a big uptick in the real estate market however as these visitors were still not confident that the market was on solid footing.

At this point in the recovery however, markets are stronger and generally seen as safe investments for offshore dollars. With the large number of tourists flocking to these vacation destinations, the demand for short term rentals has rarely been stronger. Clients are seeing very strong returns on their investments, and if they were lucky enough to buy before prices started to climb they have likely already made a small fortune.

For those who did not get back in over the past couple of years, the train has not totally  left the station. Deals are a bit tougher to come by but we still do see them. Feel free to contact us if you are in need of a reputable real estate professional in one of the markets we service, we would gladly help you out.